Real Centre Network

Guide to HDB Inheritance Rules in Singapore

For HDB flat owners and potential inheritors, grasping the HDB inheritance rules is essential. These regulations guide the transition of flat ownership under various scenarios. Understanding these rules helps ensure that the transfer of ownership complies with legal requirements, maintaining both the integrity of the estate and the rights of potential inheritors. It’s vital for all involved parties to be aware of how these rules apply in different situations to manage expectations and prepare accordingly for any ownership transitions.

Eligibility Conditions for Prospective Inheritors

Navigating the eligibility criteria for retaining an HDB flat after changes in ownership is essential. Prospective inheritors must meet specific conditions that vary depending on the reason for the transfer of ownership. Each scenario requires different eligibility requirements to ensure the HDB flat can be legally and seamlessly transferred or retained.
Reason for Change in Flat Ownership Eligibility
Demise of Joint Owner As the remaining family or single occupier, the occupant can retain the existing flat provided they:  
  • are a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR);
  • are at least 21 years old; and
  • satisfy HDB’s eligibility rules and conditions to own a flat.
Demise of sole owner/ tenant-in-common As the remaining family or single occupier, the occupant is allowed to retain the existing flat, provided they:  
  • are a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR);
  • are at least 21 years old; and
  • satisfy HDB’s eligibility rules and conditions to own a flat
Divorce 1. Divorced with children   If the occupant has custody and control of their child, they may retain the HDB flat if they meet the required eligibility conditions.   2. Divorced without children   Divorcees without children can retain the flat if they’re Singaporean, at least 35 years old, and meet the conditions under the Single Singapore Citizen (SSC) scheme. Alternatively, they may co-retain the flat with another eligible individual under an HDB eligibility scheme.   3. Completion of Minimum Occupation Period (MOP)   To sell their flat on the open market post-divorce, the occupant must complete the MOP by the divorce date. If the MOP is not met and neither party can retain the flat, HDB will evaluate if the flat can be returned and determine any compensation.
Annulment of marriage/ break-up of fiancé and fiancée If the reason for the divorce is a non-consummation or annulment of marriage, or if there’s a dissolution of an engagement, neither party may retain the HDB flat.   However, if either party’s parents were originally co-applicants in the flat purchase, retention may be possible. If retention isn’t feasible, the flat must be returned at the current compensation rate, pending approval.
Loss of citizenship or Singapore Permanent Resident status If there are changes to the occupant’s Singapore citizenship or Permanent Resident status, their eligibility to own an HDB flat will be reassessed.   Should they become ineligible to retain the flat, the occupant may sell it on the open market, provided they’ve fulfilled the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) at the time their citizenship status changed. Their ability to resell the flat will also be governed by the prevailing resale policies at the time of their application.
Child moving out due to marriage If the occupant’s child is getting married and plans to move out, HDB will assess their eligibility to retain the flat on their own, considering the specific circumstances of each case.

HDB Inheritance Process in the Case of Death

The inheritance process for HDB flats in the event of an owner’s death is perhaps the most common and complex scenario. This process not only requires navigating the usual legal intricacies associated with property transfer but also involves extensive specific paperwork. Handling the estate of a deceased HDB owner necessitates a careful approach to ensure all necessary documents are correctly filed to meet regulatory requirements and facilitate the transfer of ownership under Singaporean real estate laws.

Joint Tenancy

Joint tenancy is a form of co-ownership where all parties own the property equally. This unity of ownership means that when one co-owner dies, their interest in the property automatically transfers to the surviving co-owner(s) through a legal process known as the right of survivorship.

For this transfer to be recognised legally, the surviving co-owner(s) must submit a Notice of Death to the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). This document, which must include the death certificate of the deceased, needs to be meticulously prepared—typed, printed, and witnessed by an individual at least 21 years of age to meet the legal standards.


Tenancy-in-common allows each owner to possess a distinct and proportionate share of the property, which can be disposed of according to personal wishes. If an owner passes away, their specific share doesn’t automatically revert to the surviving owners but is instead distributed according to the deceased’s will or, if no will exists, in accordance with the intestate succession laws.

Surviving owners or inheritors are advised to consult with a legal professional to obtain a Grant of Probate. This legal document empowers the executor to manage and finalise the deceased’s estate, including the transfer of their share of the HDB flat. This step is crucial for ensuring that the property is transferred in a manner that respects the deceased’s wishes and legal requirements.

Without a Will

When an HDB flat owner dies intestate—without a will—the administration of their estate, including the property, is governed by the Intestate Succession Act in Singapore. Under this act, the distribution of the deceased’s assets is predetermined by law, which may not necessarily align with the deceased’s would-be wishes.

To manage this, the heirs must engage a lawyer to apply for a Grant of Letters of Administration. This legal procedure authorises the appointed administrator to manage and distribute the deceased’s estate as per the stipulations of the Intestate Succession Act. Securing this grant is a fundamental legal requirement to transfer ownership or proceed with the sale of the inherited HDB flat, ensuring that all actions are legally valid and the rights of all parties are respected.

Enhance Your Expertise in HDB Inheritance with Real Centre Network

Understanding and navigating the intricacies of HDB inheritance rules is vital for HDB flat owners and real estate professionals who wish to guide their clients effectively. For those looking to deepen their knowledge of property-related legal matters, including inheritance rules, Real Centre Network offers comprehensive RES courses and CPD online classes. These courses are designed to empower real estate professionals with knowledge and skills to handle complex situations, including the inheritance of HDB flats, making them invaluable resources for anyone in the real estate field.

By enrolling in these courses, you can ensure that you’re well-prepared to guide clients through the complexities of real estate inheritance, enhancing your professionalism and service quality in Singapore’s competitive real estate market.